This is a brief chat about your main health concerns and to answer any questions that you may have about naturopathic medicine. This can take place virtually or by phone. This is helpful to see if working together will be a good fit. I’m happy to refer you to another physician if needed or if your health concerns are out of my scope of practice.

Your first appointment is an uninterrupted time where we gather information and ask questions. We’ll meet online through a HIPAA compliant video platform for 90 minutes. Here we’ll discuss your current health concerns and goals, along with a thorough intake to include medical & family history, medications, supplements, and nutrition/lifestyle. We’ll look at sleep, stress, GI health, energy levels, mood health, your support system, and more. Recommendations may be made for dietary and lifestyle modifications, customized flower essences, customized botanical tinctures and supplements, herbs, or vitamins through Fullscript. If you do have labs from within the past 3 months, we can discuss those as well.

Follow-up appointments are 60 minutes and scheduled 4-6 weeks after your initial appointment. During these appointments, we’ll meet online or by phone to review your symptoms and assess your response to your previous protocol. Modifications will be made accordingly. Follow-up visits tend to occur more frequently at first, then less often on an individual case basis.

Homeopathy Only: If we have not yet worked together and you are ONLY interested in receiving a homeopathy remedy/medicine, choose this option in the service menu. Your ‘Initial Homeopathy Intake’ is up to 90 minutes and  will include your initial health history intake as well, along with time spent discussing in more detail about your main concerns/current symptoms pertinent to homeopathy. With homeopathy, it is important to establish a medical foundation before moving into the homeopathy aspect. You can schedule this virtually or by phone.

30-minute Follow-up Homeopathy: This is typically scheduled 4-6 weeks after your initial intake to review your progress. Shifts can be gradual, and at times, one may not notice them. This session helps to clarify your progress. At this appointment, we discuss any changes in your symptoms and adjust your homeopathic medicine accordingly. Homeopathy is a process whereby the body is stimulated to heal itself. Generally progress is steady. Your progress will depend on the extent of your symptoms at the start of your treatment, in addition to your medical history. You may or may not need a higher dose of the remedy, or a different remedy. We'll determine that in this appointment to ensure you continue to move toward optimal health and well-being. This may be scheduled virtually or by phone. Session is up to 30 minutes.

Acute Care Homeopathy for Established Patients: This session is offered to Established Patients, as a medical foundation is needed before prescribing homeopathy. Acute Care Homeopathic appointments are for concerns that require immediate support and typically resolve within 7-10 days. These are conditions such as: colds, flu, cough, digestive upsets, sprains & strains. Additionally, this session can help you to prepare & recover for surgery, for travel, or to alleviate anticipated anxiety before other health or dental appointments, or social events. This may be scheduled virtually or by phone. Session is up to 30 minutes. This session includes 24-48 hours for follow-up emails to check-in. Outside of that time frame, an additional fee may be required.

Free 15-minute Consultation:

Initial Naturopathic Medicine Appointment:

Naturopathic Medicine Follow-ups:

Additional Appointments

Wellness Focus:

Mood health ~ Anxiety, Grief, Mild Depression

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Support



A Medicine Woman’s Prayer

 I will not rescue you.
For you are not powerless.
I will not fix you.
For you are not broken.
I will not heal you.
For I see you, in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness
As you remember your light.


~ Sheree Bliss Tilsley