ACUGem sessions

Therapeutic gemstone energy medicine blends pure quality gemstones with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory to help influence the body, mind, and energy of an individual. According to TCM, our body's vital energy, known as Qi, flows through specific pathways called meridians. When there are energetic blockages, or Qi stagnation, the naturally occurring resonance of our being doesn’t function at optimal wellness. This can present in the body as emotional stress, a general sense of imbalance, or physical pains.

ACUGem sessions use therapeutic grade gemstones from Gemisphere in place of acupuncture needles. An individual acupoint protocol will be created for you based on your intake and health concerns. These Acupoint Gems are designed for practitioners who are trained in acupuncture and other energy medicine modalities to use in their practices. These gemstones are a tool that allows for access to acupuncture points and meridians without using needles, making this a good option for more sensitive individuals.

Ear seeds (tiny metallic beads) may also be offered. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ear seeds are a kind of auriculotherapy, which uses acupressure points in the ear to stimulate other parts of the body. The ears have a close relationship with the nervous system, and some research has shown that acupuncture or acupressure on the ear can stimulate these meridians. Ear seeds can be placed after your session and worn home. They typically stay in place for several days so that you can continue to enjoy the healing benefits.

Additional info:
What makes gemstones healing?
The importance of therapeutic quality

I am currently looking for a space to offer these sessions within the Eastmark community. If you’d like to be placed on a waitlist for the first available sessions offered, please sign-up here: